(The following is an excerpt from a presentation one of our practicum students did on nature deficiency!)
Hey NSTEPpers! As you know, NSTEP is all about encouraging our younger generation to make healthy living choices. We love educating them about food literacy, making healthy eating choices, and about moving their bodies and getting active.

There are 6 dimensions of health and wellness:
- Physical wellness involves your body’s overall condition: your health, fitness level and the ability to care for yourself.
- Social or interpersonal wellness is defined by your ability to develop and maintain satisfying and supporting relationships.
- Intellectual or mental wellness involves an active mind where you’re always challenging yourself and striving to learn.
- Emotional wellness reflects your ability to understand and deal with your feelings.
- Spiritual wellness is to process a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning and purpose to your life.
- Environmental wellness is defined by the livability of your surroundings. This includes the safety of your food and water sources, how safe your neighbourhood is, your connection with the environment, and the overall health of the environment (i.e. pollution).
It’s important to look at all sides of wellness for children, young adults, and ourselves. Consider the different dimensions of your own health and how you can work to get yourself healthy in every way!