The NSTEP Blog

Written by: Terese Mazurkewich

Welcome to fall!

As we begin to see the weather turn, we will also begin to see more locally grown produce like squash. With the short growing season in Canada, this window is not open for very long!

There are many perks to eating locally grown products. Joining a movement started during the pandemic, purchasing from these sources helps support local businesses. Small farms in Alberta and B.C. travel into city centers to sell their products in markets and at produce stands. It feels good to contribute to our community!

Locally grown produce can also taste more fresh. In comparison, carrots from grocery stores that are grown outside of the country rarely taste as good as a garden carrot! Local products you buy are likely picked just a couple of days before you buy it. And, since it wasn’t shipped in from the U.S. or even further south, it also has a smaller ecological footprint. Not only are you getting fresh, tasty food, you are helping our community and supporting a more eco-friendly product.


Here’s an idea of when you can expect certain produce

  • Apples: middle of July to October
  • Brussels sprouts: September through November
  • Cabbage: July to November
  • Carrots: July through November
  • Herbs: June through October
  • Lettuce and other greens: June to October
  • Potatoes: June to middle of October


Check out the Alberta Farmer’s Market website for more!


Where can you find locally grown produce?

In Calgary:
  • Crossroads Market has many local vendors
  • H&W Produce
  • Fresh & Local Farm Store
In Edmonton:
  • H&W Produce
  • Farmers markets, such as Old Strathcona Farmers Market, Miller Crossing Farmers Market, and Callingwood Farmers Market
  • Earth’s General Store
In Surrey:
  • Cloverdale Country Market
  • Peace Arch Farm Market
  • Fresh Choice Farm


Take a trip through your local farmers markets and check out the products they have! Sometimes produce vendors set up in parking lots. Go visit their stand, see what products they have, and ask about what they will be bringing in in the upcoming weeks.


Looking for some fun activities for fall?

Check out some excellent physical activity resources from our friends at Active for Life.




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